Research Unit of
Building Physics and Building Ecology

We are dedicated to developing new and transformative solutions for buildings and cities, with the overarching goal of reducing CO2 emissions, while guaranteeing sustainable and comfortable living spaces throughout their entire lifecycle. We have a strong expertise in buildings, their components, and systems, as well as their integration into neighborhoods and focus on understanding and using the underlying physical principles to develop solutions.

Our three key focus areas are:

  1. Innovative Building Components and Technologies: we aim to create new building components and technologies that not only enhance the performance and efficiency of buildings but also significantly reduce their carbon footprint.
  2. Numerical Models and Analysis Techniques: We develop numerical models and analysis techniques to optimize the integration, design, and operation of net-zero buildings and cities. Through simulations and data-driven insights, we aim to provide a foundation for decision-making to make informed choices that align with the principles of sustainability and carbon neutrality.
  3. Monitoring and Demonstration:Through real-world monitoring and practical demonstrations, we seek to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of solutions and optimize their performance.

In alignment with our mission, we are committed to contributing to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and 13 (Climate Action). By addressing these goals, we aspire in fostering a more sustainable and resilient future and pave the way towards a net-zero carbon future for buildings and cities.


We aim to contribute with our teaching to equip architects and engineers with a profound understanding of building physics, building technologies and systems. Our courses not only provide theoretical knowledge but also equip students with the necessary tools and demonstrate practical applications and case studies, allowing students to grasp the real-world implications of sustainable building solutions. By fostering expertise in these critical areas, we aim for the next generation of architects and engineers to lead the way in creating environmentally conscious, energy-efficient buildings and cities that contribute positively to our global future.

winter term - Bachelor Architecture
259.599 Building Technology VO 3
253.062 Building Technology UE 1.5
259.659 Building Physics UE 1.5
summer term - Bachelor Architecture
259.606 Building Physics and Human Ecology VO 3.0
259.659 Building Physics UE 1.5
253.062 Building Technology UE 1.5

winter term - Master Architecture
259.446 Science and the quest for knowledge SE 1.0
259.646 Recent Research in the field of Ecology VO 2.0
259.012 Current Topics SE 2.0
summer term - Master Architecture
259.324 Modul Building Ecology VU 10.0
259.345 Barrierfree Buildings VU 1.0
259.346 Barrierfree Buildings UE 1.0
259.344 Design for All UE 1.0
259.347 Protective Ecology VO 1
259.348 Fire safety VU 0.75

winter term - Master Building Science and Environment
259.455 Elements of Building Construction VU 2.5
259.019 Fundamentals of Building Physics and Performance Assessment VU 4.0
259.011 Fundamentals of Scientific Research VO 1.0
259.014 Instruments and Scientific Writing VU 3.0
summer term - Master Building Science and Environment
259.038 Sustainability and more: Introduction to concepts, aspects, and current challenges in the sustainability discourse VO 2.0
259.041 Approaches to Sustainability: Applied Methods VU 2.5
259.063 Building Systems and Controls VU 4.0

Our Team

Head of Reserch Unit

Kristina Orehounig techn.

Curriculum Vitae

email: kristina.orehounig[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27003

Scientific Staff

Ulrich Pont

Senior Scientist Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn

email: ulrich.pont[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27033

Matthias Schuss

Associate Prof. DI DI(FH) Dr.techn.

email: matthias.schuss[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27039

Karina Angelica Garcia Pardo PhD

email: karina.pardo[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27003

Yang Gao MSc

email: yang.gao[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27035

Melanie Haberl MA

email: melanie.haberl[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27003

Behrooz Khalili Nasr

Univ.Ass. MSc

email: behrooz.nasr[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27035

Bernhard Redl

Univ.Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. BSc

email: bernhard.redl[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27035

Til Sommer

Univ.Ass. MSc

email: til.sommer[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27035

Fatih Topak

Projektass. MSc PhD

email: fatih.topak[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27003

Magdalena Wölzl

email: magdalena.woelzl[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27003

Administrative Staff

Alexandra Vonkilch


email: alexandra.vonkilch[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27003

Student Assistants

Robin Bohdansky

email: robin.bohdansky[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27038

Dominik Fill

email: dominik.fill[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27038

Baraa Hachicho


email: baraa.hachicho[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27038

Paulina Kleine Kracht


email: paulina.kleine.kracht[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27038

Julian Schmidt


phone: +43 1 58801 27038

Philipp Simlinger

email: philipp.simlinger[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27038

Lucia Sole


email: lucia.sole[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27038

Lea Sophie Walter


phone: +43 1 58801 27038

Hanna Weltken


email: hanna.weltken[at]
phone: +43 1 58801 27038


Research Unit of Building Physics and Building Ecology
Vienna University of Technology

Staircase 3 | 2nd Floor | AC0210
Karlsplatz 13 | 1040 Vienna | Austria
phone: +43 1 58801 27003
